Microsoft Stream Alternative

Video Editing terms

Stream vs Tella

Feeling limited with Microsoft screen recorder? Use Tella to create stunning videos on Mac and Windows.

Introducing Tella

Tella is also a screen recorder but it offers a fresh perspective on video creation, targeting users who seek to produce engaging and visually appealing content with ease.

Unlike Microsoft Stream, which primarily focuses on secure video sharing within organizations, Tella emphasizes creative freedom and simplicity in the video production process.

Tella - a Stream alternative

Comparing Microsoft Stream vs Tella

Tella stands out by providing users with enhanced recording and editing capabilities not found in Microsoft Stream.

It allows the recording of multiple clips in one go, the ability to reuse clips from existing videos, the option to add speaker notes and upload slides directly.

For editing, Tella offers features such as screen cropping, customizable camera and screen layouts, dynamic layout changes during the video, and the addition of transitions, zoom effects, and animated backgrounds.

These features facilitate the creation of polished, engaging videos with minimal effort.

On the other hand, Tella isn't an enterprise video enterprise platform. It doesn't have advanced sharing capabilities like Stream. It has limited analytics, and even though you can, it isn't made to record meetings.

Tella - a Stream alternative

Is Tella free?

The Tella recorder can be accessed for free at, where users can record videos of their camera and/or screen without any cost.

For those looking to use Tella properly, the full product starts at $15/month, which includes a free 7-day trial.

This makes Tella an accessible option for users at various levels of video production needs, from basic recording to more sophisticated editing and presentation capabilities.

Tella - a Stream alternative