tl;dv for Zoom

tl;dv for Zoom

tl;dv for Zoom

99% Match

99% Match

99% Match




1m 48s

1m 48s

1m 48s




I saw this video the day it launched. From that fateful day, this title has never been in doubt. I could have shut my eyes for the rest of the year.

tl;dv’s 2022 masterpiece begins with the iconic speech scene from Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street. But instead of Leo’s rendition of Jordan Belfort hyping up the trading floor we’ve got Tomas Budin in a cheap suit, spinning a yarn about watching meeting highlights.

In the original version, Belfort boasts how good it is to be rich and then tosses his $40,000 Rolex into the crowd. In tl;dv’s version Budin asks the audience “do you want more time in your day?” while pointing at a watch that’s draped over his knuckles. We cut to a close-up of a woman crying tears of joy, mouthing thank you. Budin then shouts “Good! Use tl;dv!” and throws his watch into the air, out of shot. The video cuts back to the original footage, where a sea of hands reach for the watch as it flies overhead. Genius.

The next moment of brilliance is when The Wolf of Recorded Meetings concludes his rally. He announces “and best of all tl;dv is available for Google Meet!”.


The crowd looks puzzled. We, the viewer join the crowd in their confusion. Who uses Google Meet? But after an uncomfortably long pause, Budin picks up on the vibe, and adds “and Zoom!”. This time he’s met with total rapture. Scorsese would be proud.

tl;dv are back to claim their crown with the funniest video of 2022. It’s only the third edition of these awards and tl;dv are already The King of Comedy.



Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio





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