How to Screen Record on a Surface Studio Laptop

How to Screen Record on a Surface Studio Laptop

Screen recording on a Surface Studio Laptop can be a useful tool for a variety of reasons. Whether you're creating a tutorial, capturing gameplay, or saving a video call, knowing how to screen record can come in handy. This guide will walk you through the process of screen recording on your Surface Studio Laptop.

Before you start, it's important to note that while the Surface Studio Laptop doesn't come with a built-in screen recording feature, there are several third-party applications available that can help you accomplish this task. Some of the most popular ones include OBS Studio, Camtasia, and Bandicam. For the purpose of this guide, we'll be using OBS Studio as it is free and offers a wide range of features.

Firstly, you need to download and install OBS Studio. You can do this by visiting the OBS Studio website, downloading the appropriate version for your operating system, and following the installation instructions. Once the installation is complete, launch the application.

Upon launching OBS Studio, you'll be greeted with a black screen. This is your 'Scene', which is essentially what will be recorded. To add your screen to the scene, you need to add a 'Source'. Click on the '+' button under the 'Sources' box, and select 'Display Capture'. A new window will pop up, allowing you to select which display you want to capture if you have multiple monitors. Once you've selected your display, click 'OK'.

Next, you need to set up your recording settings. Click on 'Settings' in the lower right corner, and then select 'Output' from the left-hand menu. Here, you can choose your recording path (where your video will be saved), recording quality, and format. Make sure to select a format that suits your needs - MP4 is a common choice due to its compatibility with most devices and platforms.

Once you've set up your recording settings, you're ready to start recording. Simply click on 'Start Recording' in the lower right corner. Everything that happens on your selected display will now be recorded. When you're done recording, click on 'Stop Recording'. Your video will be saved in the location you specified in your output settings.

Finally, it's important to note that OBS Studio also allows you to record audio. If you want to include audio in your screen recording, make sure your microphone is set up correctly in the 'Audio Mixer' section of the main OBS Studio window.

In conclusion, while the Surface Studio Laptop doesn't have a built-in screen recording feature, third-party applications like OBS Studio make the process simple and straightforward. With a bit of setup, you'll be able to record your screen for whatever purpose you need.

Alternative solution: record your screen with Tella

Tella is the all-in-one screen recorder. With it, you can capture your screen, webcam, or both
using your browser.

Tella turns your screen recording into incredible videos - it was built for product demos, tutorials, onboarding videos, presentations and courses.

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Tella is packed with powerful features. So you can make great content from quick videos.

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Tella is packed with powerful features. So you can make great content from quick videos.

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