
Reaction Videos

Create fun, high quality reaction videos in minutes

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What is a reaction video?

A reaction video is where you record a video of yourself reacting to something — usually another video. Reaction videos are great way to create content quickly. This is because you already have the main part of the content, all you need to do is add your thoughts, opinions, or reactions. Reaction videos are often made by recording over the top of videos on YouTube, Tiktok, Instagram, or Twitter. But you can also use reaction videos to communicate with people asynchronously. When you receive a video from someone else, record a video of yourself responding to what the sender says and shows in the video. There are a few reasons why people might enjoy watching reaction videos. First, it can be entertaining to see someone's reaction to something, especially if it is unexpected or particularly strong. Second, it can provide a way to vicariously experience something that the viewer might not be able to experience directly. Finally, it can be interesting to see how other people react to things and to compare one's own reactions to those of others.

How to make a reaction video?

Step 1: Record

Set up your recording using the Tella recorder. Connect your mic and camera then share your screen. For best results use a browser that can capture the audio from a browser tab. Google Chrome, Vivaldi, Brave, Arc, and Edge all support browser tab audio capture. Once your mic, camera, and screen are ready to go, press record. Then you can watch the video you're reacting too and its sound as well as everything you say will be recorded.

Step 2: Customise

Once you’ve recorded all the clips for your reaction video, use the Tella editor to customise it. You can trim the video, remove unwanted parts, move your camera where you want, and change the size of the screen. You can even pick a background and apply borders.

Step 3: Share or Download

When you’re done editing, press “Finish.” You can watch the video and share it with a link, or download the MP4 file to publish to YouTube, Tiktok, Twitter, Instagram, and more.


What is the meaning of reaction video?

A reaction video is a video in which people react to something, often other videos or media content such as music, film trailers, viral videos, etc. The content is usually shown in a smaller screen within the video, while the reactors' expressions and comments are recorded in real time. The goal of a reaction video is to share the emotional or analytical responses of the person watching, which can range from surprise and delight to skepticism and critique.

How do you make reactions video?

There are a few different ways that you can make reaction videos. One popular method is to set up a camera in front of you and to press record while you react to whatever it is that you are watching. Another method is to record your reaction using a screen capture program like Tella or OBS. This can be a good option if you want to add graphics or effects to your video. Finally, you can also use your phone to record your reaction. This can be a good

What equipment do I need to do reaction videos?

In order to make a reaction video, you will need a few things. First, you will need something to film your reaction to. This could be a TV show, a movie, a video game, or anything else that you can think of. Second, you will need a camera or other recording device. Finally, you will need a way to edit your video and add any additional graphics or effects that you want.

What software do I need for reaction videos?

To create a reaction video, you would usually require a screen recording software, a video editing software and a camera software. However, with, all of these functions are included in one tool. allows you to record your screen and yourself at the same time, react and comment on videos, and then edit and share your reaction video.

Are reaction videos still a thing?

Yes, reaction videos are still a widely embraced internet trend. They continue to be popular for a variety of content, such as music, trailers for films or games, news, and other viral videos. They are not just limited to YouTube but they are also shared across social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and more. Many people often find it engaging and interesting to observe others' real-time reactions as they offer different perspectives and create a sense of shared experience.

What's the deal with reaction videos?

Reaction videos have become a popular trend on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Twitch. They involve individuals or groups watching a video and expressing their responses in real time. These reactions can vary from laughs, cries, shock, or any emotional response depending on the content of the videos. Despite their popularity, reaction videos have faced criticisms and controversies, typically related to copyright issues. Whether or not a reaction video falls under "fair use" can be a legal grey area and largely depends on individual jurisdiction laws.

Are reaction videos illegal?

Reaction videos can potentially run into copyright issues if they include large portions of another creator's content without permission. However, they may be considered legal under "fair use" doctrine in certain jurisdictions, including the U.S., if the original content is transformed or used in a new way, such as for commentary, criticism, or parody. Fair use is a complex principle and can be interpreted differently on a case-by-case basis. It's worth noting that despite the potential for fair use defense, copyright holders may still issue takedown notices or pursue legal action if they believe their content has been used without permission. It's always a good idea to seek legal advice if you're unsure, and where possible, obtain permission from content owners before using their material. Getting informed and respecting copyright laws is crucial when making reaction videos or any other content that includes materials created by someone else. Ultimately the situation can vary depending on country, the nature of the content, and the discretion of the copyright holder.

How to legally do reaction video?

Reaction videos are largely created under the premise of "fair use," a legal doctrine that allows limited use of copyrighted material without permission from the copyright owner. Here are few steps to consider: 1. Use only as much of the original content as necessary: Show only the parts of the video to which you're specifically reacting and try to avoid just showing the entire video. 2. Transform the original content: Don't just present the original content as it is. Add your original commentary, critiques, educational remarks, and reactions. Make sure your reaction video is a new piece of work and not just a reproduction of the original one. 3. Credit the original creator: Always give due credit to the original creator in your video description or as an on-screen note. Though not legally necessary for fair use, it is a good practice showing that you acknowledge the original creator. 4. Ask permissions: If possible, reach out to the original content creator for permission to use their content. They might not only give you permission, but also appreciate your work and share it within their network. Remember that fair use is subjective and the laws can vary by country. Always consult with a legal advisor if unsure.

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Tella is packed with powerful features. So you can make great content from quick videos.

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